VAP – The leading asset planning solution.

Discover Germany’s leading platform
for asset management related planning support.

Vesta enables network operators to make the knowledge of their entire organization visible and understandable, and to transparently transform decisions into executable asset management plans. Our visual planning platform – the Vesta Asset Planner – gives users entirely new ways to use data and methods to solve problems. Learn more about how we can help you establish an asset management culture in your organization.

Better plans through better models

Planning describes our ability to mentally anticipate the actions necessary to achieve a goal. This future orientation is an essential characteristic of planning. It is an abstract representation or model of the reality to be expected through the implementation of a plan. The quality of the models is therefore decisive for the quality of the planning. A valid model allows predictions about future behavior and is indispensable for any long-term planning as a basis for sustainable management.

For the success of modeling, the choice of the method is crucial, because an unsuitable method will never produce models with high quality. That is why Vesta Asset Planner, in a unique multi-method approach to the network business, provides proven and adapted modeling methods in a graphical user interface.

System Dynamics

Hierarchical Models

Graphen Models

Geo-Spatial Models

Machine Learning

Industry leaders in 6 European countries rely on Vesta Asset Planner. A selection of our customers: